About Giving Money To Beggars During Your Trip

It is pretty often that when you are travelling, beggars start coming to you to ask for some money. Looking at their condition and situation, it must make you feel bad for them. You feel like the cruelest person on earth if you don’t help them. Most often than not, you give them money to help them through the day. And it is not a bad thing, isn’t it? 

Giving money to beggars while travelling

Basically, helping others who are in need is not wrong. In fact, it is a good thing to do to help each other. However, you need to be more careful when there are people approaching you during your visit to another country. They look so poor with how they dress themselves. They look like the have not eaten for days. It is encourage to help them but you still have to take cautions when doing it. 

It can be a hard decision whether to give or not to give money to beggars you meet during a trip. They can be everywhere from big cities to stunning beaches. They often ask for money daringly. Some of them even like to grab travelers and tourists’ clothes. 

the reason why you should be careful when helping them is because sometimes it is not simply about people who are starving. There are many cases when beggars are organized by some types of gang. It is often that the beggars are minor or people who are too old to even walk around. They are forced to return with certain amount of money. If not, they will be beaten or being punished in some ways. Or, there are also cases of people disguising themselves as beggars and ask for money from strangers especially travelers and tourists. Meanwhile, they are not poor in real life. In fact, some of them might be richer than the travelers themselves. 

How to help them?

There are ways you can help people you meet during travel. Instead of giving money, help them for what they need the most. For example, give them foods if they say they are hungry. If they say they are cold, give them warm clothes or blankets. It is because there is high possibility of viscous cycle if you start giving them money. Once they get money, they will do anything to keep asking for it. You probably have heard about people purposely being disable to beg for money. Or children choose begging instead of going to school. This is kind of impact you don’t want to make from giving them money. 

Of course, it is more like personal preference on how you hep others. You may have different perspectives about giving or not giving money to beggars while travelling. However, it is wise to not give them money that will make them more dependant on you or other tourists. Try to help them in your own way or you can also help them with your skills. For example, teaching English or any other skills you have. 

Judith Stone