What Happen to Your Skin When You Are On A Flight?

What Happen to Your Skin When You Are On A Flight?

It is not a secret that flying can wreck havoc on your skin. With low humidity and dry cabin, it is easy for your skin to act up. Not to mention that the air in the cabin is recycled which only dehydrate your dermis. The situation within the cabin can cause your skin to produce oil more which cause acne in all skin types. A flight is surely can be damaging to skin especially if you have sensitive skin. However, you can always make smart moves to prevent various skin problems during travelling.

Preventing skin problems and damage cause by a flight

The damaging of flight to your skin can happen during, after, or even both. It must be frustrating to have dull skin, along with scattered acne and eye bags while travelling, it is more or less dampening your mood for fun travel. So here are things you can do to prevent skin problems caused by a flying:

Dryness often happen to your skin when you are flying. As mentioned before that the low humidity and temperature can cause dry skin. It is even worse if you have naturally dry skin from the beginning. You may feel rough patches on your skin. It is recommended to apply moisturizer before boarding. It will provide the moisture your skin need to survive different condition inside the cabin. Also, it will act as a barrier for your skin from potential irritants.

Oiliness is also possible to happen during a flight. When your skin become dry, it forces itself to produce more sebum to counteract the dryness. Skin dehydration doesn’t only lead to dry skin but also excessive oil production. Then, it is likely for acne to come out. It is recommended to pack oil-free moisturizer especially if your skin is more prone to break out. Whenever you feel your skin tight, re-apply the moisturizer.

What Happen to Your Skin When You Are On A Flight?

Sunburn is also possible happen to your skin while you are on a flight. You are even closer to the sun and the airplane windows don’t have UV protection. They are not YV proof so when you are exposed to them, it is possible for your skin to get sunburn. Even if the sunburn is not severe, remember that UV rays is so damaging to skin. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you also apply some sunscreen before boarding along with your moisturizer to keep your skin protected and hydrated.

Breakouts are one of the most common problems travelers have during their trip. Some trigger include weather, foods, or even travel stress. Keeping calm can help controlling the level of cortisol so the chance of acne to come out is lower. Hence, it is recommended to stay calm if you tend to get stressed out. Take some aromatherapy oil with you to rub behind your ears to breathe in. Also, avoid leaning your face on any surfaces because friction and occlusion can exacerbate acne even more. Also, pack some acne spot treatment with you.

Greg Sam