The Most Ideal Length For Vacation

Working five to six days a week can be exhausting and stressful for your body and mind. Thus, it is recommended to go for a vacation every once in a while especially when you feel burnout from daily work. A vacation is known to bring benefit to your body and mind. It can help reduce the level of your stress. It also help you more relax by letting yourself all out without worrying over your work and responsibility. However, travel can be stressful especially when you do it randomly without any plan whatsoever. 

The Most Ideal Length For Vacation

Recommended length for vacation

Taking short vacation may not give you any benefit but more exhaustion. However, staying on vacation for too long can put you in uncomfortable situation because you feel like you lose your goal in life. Not to mention that staying away from your family and friends for too long may cause homesickness and add another stress. So what’s the most ideal vacation length that will benefit you positively?

It depends on yourself!

There is no rule of how long you need to take vacation to make it beneficial for your body and mind, not to mention that every person has different needs and tendencies. For some people, travelling for two or three days may be more than enough to recharge their mood and energy. However, some other may need to go for a week or month long vacation to truly experience the fun and happiness causing them to feel refreshed. Therefore, deciding the most ideal vacation length is also about personal need. 

Eight days vacation is the ideal

The Most Ideal Length For Vacation

There is a suggested vacation length from particular study. It says that the most ideal length for a vacation is around 8 days. It is the length that enough to provide you benefit especially to ease your mind and body from stress. By staying on vacation for about 8 days, you have enough time to adjust with the new setting at your destination without a rush. You can adapt yourself just fine without feeling so overwhelmed. It also gives you time to make yourself ready to return to your habitat. Thus, you won’t feel your vacation as a fever dream. 

It’s your preference and tendencies

However, you don’t have to follow the suggestion if you disagree because again, it is more about personal preferences and tendencies. If you can feel recharged and refreshed even after a one day vacation then you can just do it. If you like taking long vacation where you travelling around different places for two or three weeks, you can do it too. The best thing is to choose what you want to do and what you can afford. If long vacation only means make you feel more exhausted, might as well taking shorter vacation length. 

How your body handle it

It is not always about the affordability of your finance to decide the length of your own ideal vacation. It is also about how your body can afford travelling to new places without making it drained more. The goal for the vacation is to relax and rejuvenate your energy so you come back feeling more productive and fresh.

Greg Sam