Reasons Why Many Tourists Misbehave When Travel 

Travelling is fun and all until you do something that offend the locals or damage the nature. The number of people travel around the world keep increasing. It shows that people are more and more interested to explore the world without hesitation. However, there have been many reports of tourists misbehaving during their visit. Tourism may impact positively to the global economy especially for a country that has many tourist attractions. However, it can also impact negatively both to the local culture and the nature. Therefore, there have also been countries that limit their tourism quota to minimize the negative impacts.

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Most common reasons of tourists misbehaving during their trip

There are many kinds of misconducts done by tourists. You may have heard about Chinese or Australians who are blamed for misconduct during travel. They were even labeled as ‘bad tourists’. However, they are not the only one who have behaved badly during a trip. In fact, there are many tourists who did the same and went unnoticed due to lack of media exposure. Misbehavior during a trip can be offensive, disrespectful, and exploitative actions. There are many possible reasons why some tourists tend to misbehave when travelling, such as:


Lack of cultural understanding is one of the common reasons why tourists are so clueless about the local cultures of the place they are visiting. Therefore, they don’t know what kind of actions that can be considered as disrespectful or offensive by the locals. Also, every place have different tradition, culture, and lifestyle. Differences in those aspects can lead to misunderstandings. Some tourists may unconsciously do something they are used to in their own country which can be offensive when they do it in another country. However, this is not an excuse because tourists can do their research in advance. Thus, they have enough knowledge of the local culture.

Lack of traveling experience

Lack of experience in international travel also has become one of the most common reason of tourists misbehave during a trip. It is also common for people who come from oppressive country to feel like they are out of cage. Thus, they think they have all freedom in the world and do something they cannot do while they are still at their home country. However, they don’t realize that the actions may offend the locals instead. Therefore, it is important to have such control during travel. Drowning in excitement can lead to misbehavior that can disrupt the harmony of tourism.

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Lack of awareness to preserve nature is also common problem that cause tourists to misbehave. They may think that throwing rubbish carelessly during a trip is not a big problem. However, it can cause many problems both to the locals and to the environment. The locals are the ones who have to deal with the aftermath. Not to mention that this kind of misbehavior can damage the nature. It is not only about the image of the tourist attraction but something important for the long-term impact. 

Judith Stone